Get Back With Your Ex love

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Did She Break Up With You Before The Relationship Even Started




Really this number should be closer to six months however as a general rule when a woman breaks up with you after less than three months of being together there was never really a relationship in the first place.

At least it is not a relationship that she is emotionally invested in enough to even consider giving you a second chance. More importantly, if she does come back it is almost guaranteed to be the type of relationship that is of the on again-off again variety. There are hundred and maybe even thousands of reasons why a woman will break up with you that early on in the relationship.

Yet, all you really need to know is that the attraction she had for you is weak or there are some serious unresolved issues that she hasn't dealt with from her past that is causing her to leave you. Either way, whatever you have imagined as the future the two of you have together isn't going to happen. The only things you can do are move on and improve yourself in ways that will make you even more attractive to the women of your future.

If she happens to come back you must make sure that her attraction level for you is much stronger than it was when the two of you first got into a relationship with each other. You can also ask if she has resolved the issues from her past that she hadn't dealt with before, although her attraction level for you might be so high now that she will say she has even if she hasn't. Ultimately you must decide if you really want to be with someone who will more than likely leave you every few months or if you already know that you deserve much more than being treated that way by any woman.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now.

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To learn more about Getting Over A BreakUp visit our article section Breaking Up Today

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