Get Back With Your Ex love

Friday, February 29, 2008

After The Break Up Do You Know How Many Chances You Had To Maintain Attraction And The Relationship




For the most part by the time she breaks up with you, in her mind you have been given several if not hundreds of chances to get it right. She may or may not have given you good indicators of the "problems" you needed fix; yet if you recall the weeks and days before the break up you will notice the differences in her behavior and perhaps you can clearly see when and where the end started.

As for the "problems" that led to her breaking up with you unless they were problems created right then in the moment they more than likely have to do with a loss of attraction and not the problems that she is stating or reacting to. For instance, perhaps she suddenly has become frustrated with your lack of romance even though you never were romantic to begin with.

What she really is saying is "I am losing attraction for you and now the problems in the relationship are becoming too difficult to handle!" Whereas if you got a new job or had to start traveling more and she had a problem with that it may indeed have been the problem and might be able to be fixed (although highly unlikely). All you really need to know is that when she breaks up with you it wasn't a rash decision that she made overnight and it wont be fixed overnight either.

Move on and begin taking steps to improve yourself if she comes back ready to work on the relationship you must already know the reasons for the break up and the reasons for getting back together. Failure to do so could quite possibly mean repeating the break up again only next time she might not come back.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now.

Also with over 500 articles from a variety of dating experts just for men our Dating Advice and Seduction Article Database is the perfect place for any man.

To learn more about Getting Over A BreakUp visit our article section Breaking Up Today

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Want To Know How To Get Your Ex To Break Up With New Girlfriend?




Is this what you're after? If so, chances are you're going down a messy path. Winning back your Ex? It's possible. Making your ex lose interest in someone else? That's highly unlikely. Here's why...

If someone tried to make you lose interest in your ex, what chances do they have? Will they have a magic potion they'll slip into your drink that kills all your emotions for them? No.

Your goal is to change someone else's mind. In other words, your goal is set inside someone else's boundaries.

If you want to win a marathon race you train really, really hard. If you want to run a successful business you stay dedicated to it and make the right decisions. All of these are within your control.

What someone else thinks is never in your control. If you try to make your ex break up with their new girlfriend by demeaning and making her look bad, chances are you're going to come out of it looking like a complete psycho. Trust me, you'll kill your chances.

However, let's look at it another way. Can you choose to stop liking your ex? No. What is it about him? Is it his attractive body? A killer sense of humour? Maybe you can't put your finger on it, but it's there. You didn't choose to like him.

The same applies for him. He might be going out with this new girl because he wants to get over you. He dated you at some point, didn't he? That's because he found you attractive.

If you can make yourself attractive to him once again, you can win him back. If you're lucky he might even break up with his new girlfriend just to be with you again.

Even if he doesn't, you're going to make yourself feel better. You'll feel more attractive and you might even find a new man. If you want him to break up with his new girlfriend because you want pay back, dating and moving on from him is the best revenge.

Going through all this effort just to either make him unhappy or to make him available again isn't going to work, and you'll just look like an ass. I assume you want to get back into his good books again, but trying to sabotage his future relationships is going to make him avoid you at all costs.

Start dating again and get him off your mind. Keep your life busy and make yourself more attractive by showing him that you don't need him. Send him an e-mail now and then just to ask how he's doing so that he won't forget about you, but don't go beyond that.

If you keep the e-mails casual and become friends with him again, chances are he'll want to start spending time with you. If you're lucky, he might even want more. Even if he doesn't, you'll still be dating other guys and you might find one that's even better.

If you don't put all your eggs in one basket you're going to find yourself happier. By dating other guys you're going to experience and learn about new people, and you'll also have the chance to win your ex back if you keep in contact.

You might want to do anything to get your ex back, but keep it to changing yourself only. Trying to interfere with other people's lives will come back to haunt you sooner or later.

Want to learn some amazing techniques that will almost certainly win your Ex back? Or do you simply want to take control of your love life for good?

Check Out Chase's blog for a free break-up e-book and simple secrets that can win him or her back into your arms.

Click Here for your FREE "Dumped - 50 Tips On Getting Over It" E-Book

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Taking Responsibility for Your Part in the Break-up




We have talked about the many mistakes that people will make after a breakup; especially when they are have an intention of winning their lover back. If you have read my previous articles, it is now time to put what you have learned to good use, and stop laying blame. Blaming yourself for the break up is pointless. The past is the past, is cannot be changed no matter how much we would like it changed. Blaming yourself for the mistakes you made within your relationship is pointless too, as it is over and you cannot go back and change it, you can only learn from it. So take responsibility and learn, learn, learn.

To not take responsibility and learn from your mistakes is another mistake we make after a break up. Make a promise to yourself from now on that you will take responsibility and not make any of the mistakes that I have been writing about in my articles. This is a huge opportunity to develop yourself into a healthier, more positive person. If you keep making the mistakes that have been outlined, then what do think will happen? Nothing, nothing will change until you decide that you are going to do something different, something that may work.

Take responsibility by thinking about what your role was in your relationship. Analyze how you think you may have contributed to the relationship ending and think about how you could fix these problems or behaviours. None of us are shrinking violets, we all have flaws. If we can learn from the mistakes in our relationships then we will know what to watch out for in our future relationships.

With everything in life, every decision we make. We make the choice. We need to take responsibility for the path we choose to follow. Many people will say that it was fate that broke up their last relationship, they will say that is wasn't meant to be. Is it possible that there might have been things they could have done to fix the problems in their relationship? I believe that fate has very little to do with how our life turns out. We make our own fate, we choose where our life goes. Yes, there are many things we cannot control, but we can for most part be in the driver's seat when it comes to where we want our life and relationship to end up.

A big plus here that I should mention is that the way we behave largely influences the people closest to us. Meaning if we are usually positive, happy and smiling when we are with people, they will respond in kind. If you wish your ex was a more loving person, my advice is to focus on being more loving yourself to your partner and everyone around you. Your ex may well do exactly what you want him or her to do.

Janelle Coulton (aka Jel) is a professional writer of articles, essays and short stories. She is passionate about writing and helping people who have questions about human relationships or have relationship troubles. Her work can be provocative, controversial and funny, she loves to encourage her readers to look at the big picture. Jel also runs a relationship group at Yahoo! You can go to the following link to check it out:

There is more information available, articles and relationship advice and tips at Jel's websites:

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to Get Over a Break Up - In 3 Simple Ways




Getting over a breakup can be one of the worst feelings ever on this planet. Your emotions would be all over the place you would lose control of your mind and you don't know what to do next. Seems as if life has come to a stand still and you simply can't seem to control your thoughts. Read on to discover some of the best ways to get over a breakup and achieve the desired results.

Think positive- Break up is a situation where your mind simply can't think positive at all. You get bombarded with negative thoughts from all corners and you simply can't control them. The best way to think positive after a breakup is to go for long walks. Yes long walks are known to be the best when it comes to thinking positive and taking control of your emotions.

It's past and it's over- Stop living in the past. Maybe the breakup took place for a good reason. Look out at the world and smell the roses. There is much more to life than just crying over what has gone. Think about the present and the future.

Change your music- Several times people tend to listen to sad songs after a breakup. This would only worsen your already bad condition. Stop listening to sad songs try to put up some lively number which would raise your emotions and you would feel lighter.

Keep busy- When you sit at one place for too long trying to avoid certain painful thoughts they tend to come to you even more faster. Try keeping yourself as busy as possible maybe go out for a walk, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends. The more you keep yourself busy the lesser these thoughts would come to you.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know

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How to Move on From Break Up and Find Happiness




No one can make us unhappy unless we let them. It is not what happens in our life that brings unhappiness; it is how we choose to react to what happens that sets the mood for our feeling and emotions. I say this to allow you to take personal responsibility for your reaction in every situation.

Consciously choosing your reaction is very empowering, especially if you choose to react in a positive, life-supporting way. When we love unconditionally, we love because it brings us happiness and we get pleasure from giving the love we hold in our heart.

By sharing this love unconditionally, we give it without strings attached; no one has to show up in a particular way; we just express the joy we are feeling within our Self and share it with our friends or lovers.

When you love unconditionally you can open your heart fully, knowing you cannot be hurt because you are in control of your love. You are giving it out freely from an infinite source to all those you come in contact with.

When you love unconditionally you can love in many directions simultaneously. You can have many friends and share your joy, because you are creating this from within and expressing this joy to your environment through your emotions, feeling and senses.

This process puts you fully in charge. You are not waiting to receive from the other person - you are creating the situation and flowing your love outwards.

This state of giving unconditionally comes about when we relax, allow our mind to settle down, and connect with the Universal Life Force within. This has many advantages as, when we are in tune with the universe, every thought, word and deed we have is supported by the universe and easily finds fulfillment.

When our energies are strong and we have a good connection to Source, our body radiates health and balance. People are naturally drawn to us and we are happy and carefree, as we are in the mood for giving, just for the pleasure it brings.

It is easy to switch from a state of depression and lack to this state of inner fulfillment and joy, just by choosing to do so. By focusing one's energy on oneself and loving oneself, one charges oneself up with love.

This can also be achieved through various spiritual practices. On my HealerGeorge website I have created a number of Guided Meditations which connect you to your source energy and allow you to bring your energies back into balance in a natural way. You feel fully charged up and go out in the world with enthusiasm and joy.

So if you feel you have received a knock from Nature, look within and be the source of your experience. Open your heart to life and allow your love to flow out freely. Remember you are connected to the Universal Life Force, which is eternal; it contains the source energy for the whole universe and is so full it is beyond limit.

Connect yourself to this source and be a part of the New Spirituality, connected to Oneness. Everything in the Universe has its source in this Oneness and everything you give comes back to Oneness. So come out to play in this field of love; give freely and create the abundance that is the birthright of all.

By George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT -- HealerGeorge Tel: +44 (0)1286 882701 Visit HealerGeorge's web site to experience the power of Distant Healing or listen to HealerGeorge Radio giving Questions and Answer advice mixed with Spiritual Music. You can also enjoy many free benefits on HealerGeorge, like listening to Free Guided Meditations. Why not order HealerGeorge's Latest book entitled "A Journey into The Self - The Multi-dimensional Nature of Being Human" By George E Lockett. It is all available off the web site. HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing, and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Top 6 Reasons Couples Break Up




Each day, more relationships fall seems like the list of things that can end them is endless, but really most of the biggest killers are fairly simple. If your relationship is in danger or has already broken apart, I'm here to help you by listing off some of the main reasons people go their separate ways. Once you know what causes a breakup, you can usually fix it!

1) Unfaithfulness is a supreme destroyer of relationships...nothing really wounds a person so much as when his/her partner isn't happy enough at home that he/she decides to go looking for what's missing in other places. Cheating on your lover is probably the coldest, most hurtful thing you can do to a person and usually results in nigh-unfixable the best way to deal with the problem is to never have it in the first place.

2) Neglecting your partner's feelings is another really hurtful thing that can cause a breakup, and in fact does a lot of the time. People have emotions, even the guys who like to act like they don't so much...and it really hurts when they're never considered by the person whom the love the most. Always listen to your partner, and be considerate of how he/she feels.

3) Fights happen in all relationships, it's almost natural, but when tempers really soar and people just can't cool off and take things with a level head it can really cause dissension. Nobody likes to be with a person who's always flying off the handle, and can't be reasoned with. Conflicts are going to happen, but how well they're dealt with separates the people who stay together from the couples that fragment and scatter.

4) Movies have made it seem like it's only ever girls who get too controlling, and in fact film has made it even seem funny, but the truth is that both guys and girls can become overly demanding and controlling of their partners...and it's no laughing matter, as anyone who's been in that kind of relationship can tell you. If you don't have trust, you don't have anything...and if you keep hounding your partner about what goes on every minute of every day, you won't have him or her either.

5) Allowing a relationship to get boring and stale is perhaps one of the most tragic ways that one can end, as it's pretty much just a case of so little going on that a person doesn't really care anymore. Lack of spontanaeity and "spice" is a relationship's enemy, although you don't have to freak out if you aren't doing something new every hour. Spend time together, and do things that are fun for both of you! It's crazy to simply let a relationship "reach its expiration date."

6) Annoying habits in small numbers can be almost endearing, but when they start to take over it can be a serious problem. Usually just having a bad habit of biting your nails or tapping your foot won't end a relationship, but when these things are a blatant constant and in larger numbers than just two or three, they can add a lot of stress that can make normally minor problems impact your partner a lot more. Everyone has a few bad habits, but in the interest of peacekeeping it's a good idea to try to ease up on the things that really drive your partner crazy.

There are a lot of things that can contribute to the "demise" of a relationship, and these are really just a few of them...but by thinking this way you should have a good shot at identifying any of the things that are really hurting your relationship...and if you're in the middle of a breakup, then addressing problems like these could really help your chances of getting through it with your partner still by your side!

Just break up? Get instant relief from break up pain and a proven plan to get your ex back. Free articles and info at

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Why Do People Break Up And Divorce




We have been pressured through a wide range of channels to believe that being in a long-term, committed relationship and eventually marrying and having a family is the right thing to do in life. Our parents, teachers at school, friends, and co-workers seem to encourage us to follow the traditional path of family life, and we can't help but want to follow all the people around us who enter into serious, romantic relationships.

As we grow older, we feel that we need to give answers to the society why we are not quite where the world wants us to be - having all the "normal" things: a home, spouse and children.

However, there is one crucially important factor that we must not overlook as humans: we are all different! While our anatomy is very similar, we are very different in so many ways - our taste and preferences in every aspect of our professional, social and personal life vary radically from one another. From food, clothing, hairstyle, to choosing a profession, friends, an area to live, and hobbies - these are just a few ways in which we are so unique and so unlike others.

This means that different things make different people happy! This, in turn, suggests that there is no reason why we all should have similar goals when it comes to dating and forming romantic relationships. That is, it's very likely that the dating situation that makes one person happy might make another feel unhappy or even miserable.

I believe, therefore, that many people are not supposed to be in a committed relationship. That must simply not be in their nature and physiology. And it's likely that they can't or even shouldn't be doing anything about it. It must be the case that that's not where their life purpose is, and any effort to "push" them in the direction that the society dictates to them but against their very essence is doomed to failure.

Thus, it's crucially important that we take all the time necessary to be completely honest and open with ourselves and have the courage to truly admit to ourselves whether a committed relationship / marriage is the arrangement we really want before we take a step in that life-changing direction.
Revolution in Dating & Relationships Advice

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How To Deal With A Break Up




To learn how to deal with a break up you should first understand that it's still possible to get back together and if that doesn't work it's not the end of world anyway and there are many other great opportunities for new relationships that shouldn't be missed out just because you got stuck on this one.

But before you start trying to get back together you need to take some time off your relationship that got into dead end even if that seems as impossible task because you want it so badly and patience is not what you are looking for. Well both of you need to forget about negative emotions that come with breakup and your eagerness and impatience will be as major turnoff for your ex lover and additional reason to avoid any contact with you.

Any break up event makes the one who was dumped less confident about their self and regaining that confidence is one of most essential parts to learning how to deal with a break up because it will ensure that next time you meet your ex lover this mystery why you aren't feeling bad about breaking up will make your ex curious and think about it more and more with each encounter.

To regain your confidence simply go out and socialize with friends or family and possibly even meet new people to make this more fun and useful since you possibly could meet someone for a potentially new much better relationship. Do this even more frequently than before when you were in relationship as you now have more free time and can try even dating with someone. This will also allow you to think less of any negative emotions related to recent breakup.

Also working out is great way to work on yourself and increase your confidence since you will look better and most importantly feel better because you are increasing your energy levels as well. Once you feel that your confidence level is back on track and are ready to meet your ex try to make this encounter as occasional as possible to not trigger any assumptions that you are trying to get back together. If this happens in crowded event when you are not alone with your ex try to not push and keep it light.

Short conversation that includes only small talk about non relationship topics is advisable and then find a way to show yourself as having fun with other people. What's most important is to show that you were not damaged by that breakup and continue to live your life fully and having fun even without your ex.

With each next encounter you can start having longer conversations and slowly involving also relationship topics but try to limit those to things that were high points for both of you and only associated positive feelings. Such situations usually can be found during beginning stages of any relationship so basically try to remember what made it clinch for both of you back then and try to repeat something similar.

For more articles on this subject please visit my site at and turn your life upside down filled with positive emotions.

How to deal with a break up

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Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend - Break Up Advice




Whoever wrote "breaking up is hard to do" was right, you may feel terrible right now but I bet your ex girlfriend doesn't feel mush better. I know, you are thinking "so what" right now, but look at it from another point of view. What has changed so drastically that she decided to end the relationship, and don't say nothing, something must have happened or you would still be together.

"It's all her fault" won't bring her back. If she has had an affair and then dumped you, the best thing you can do is walk away. If you take her back after she has cheated on you, you have no guarantees that she won't do the same thing again. The next time she cheats you are going to feel even worse than you do now, because you trusted her not to do it again.

If the break up happened for reasons which you still don't understand then it's time to go back to the beginning. What attracted you both to each other? At some point during your relationship this has probably cropped up. Once you figure out the answer to that question you need to ask yourself "how have we changed?" this part can take a little longer. But this will help you to get your ex girlfriend back.

Everyone changes over time; it's just a matter of how much change there has been. As an example: If you used to go out every weekend but now you can't afford to or work commitments take priority over your personal life, these are issues which need to be addressed. I'm not saying that you should throw in your job and go out drinking every night; you can still make compromises no matter how hectic your lifestyle is.

If you have a friend who can be very discreet and keep a confidence, now is the time to have a chat with them. A friend like this can be a great sounding board, they know you well enough to be completely honest and you know them well enough that you won't fly off the handle whenever they say something which you didn't want to hear.

Once you have sounded off to your friend (confident), you have probably heard enough to actually take the first steps towards reconciliation. Things will not happen over night so don't even try to force them. You will only drive tour ex girlfriend further away if you try to hard during these early stages.

If you can want your ex girlfriend back and you are willing to work for it then you need to act fast, be a man and take control. Too many people give up on a relationship because they think it's over, many times it is far from over.

Want to know exactly what to do to win back your ex quickly and easily? Get Your Ex Back Now - take action today! Get them back.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How To Get Over A Break Up - The Secret To Avoid Losing A Woman's Attention




Have you ever had a girlfriend break up with you, or just drift away, and the more you tried to hold on, the further she ran from you? And the more you tried to be a good guy and please her, the more distant she became?

So what's up with that? Why does this happen?

Here's my take, after studying this stuff for years now:

It is all too easy to become a nice, overly-accommodating, predictable, boring guy, sharing “how you feel” about girl too often, and lastly you become more and more submissive. Even though it seems logical that a woman should love to be treated like a queen at all times, but this combination usually cause the girl loses that feeling of ATTRACTION that she once had for you and she usually has no way of explaining or understanding why. It will leads to a girl leave you.

I know it sounds doesn’t make sense for most of guys. It can happens because attraction is very different for women than it is for men. Men are attracted more to looks, women are attracted more to personality and character. For women, attraction is triggered by male qualities like: Dominance, Humor, Unpredictability, Adventure, Strength, Sexual Awareness, Indifference, etc.

Being nice, accommodating and understanding is great for friendships and social relationships, but it's HORRIBLE for ATTRACTION. Women doesn’t want a guy that she can push around. She doesn’t want a guy who does what she wants him to do. She doesn’t want a little boy that she can train and raise. What woman wants is a MAN.

So, it is very important to understand how attraction works for women and how to keep the attraction going when you are with her. Besides that, you must understanding yourself, don't allow yourself to act like a wussy and become boring and turn a good thing into a bad one. Instead you do the right things to keep everything on the right track.

Here are 3 simple tips what you should do to avoid getting the horrible position of losing a woman's attention :

1. Never Become Boring

Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin when it comes to attraction. There's nothing that will kill the sparks faster than her knowing what you're about to do or say.

2. Don’t hand over control

Women like men who make decisions and take the lead. Women don’t like men that they can control, so don’t be that one.

3. Respect yourself and keep your own interests

When a guy meets a woman he likes, he often wants to spend as much time as possible with her. This is natural, but there is a big danger here as well. If you put your life aside for a woman, you will become less interesting to her. As soon as you start acting like she's going to be around forever, she'll start feeling less and less ATTRACTION for you

Now you are ready to make a big difference in your relationship with a woman you really like by applying what you have learnt in this article. The secret key is if you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you can control your destiny with women. If you DON'T know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then you cannot control your destiny with women. GOOD LUCK!

Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted nice guys? How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who did not treat her even HALF as well as you did?

Find out the answers on the 10 Most Dangerous Mistakes You Probably Make With Women – And What to Do About It and get FREE NEWSLETTER (3 Times a Week) plus FREE EBOOK by visiting

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How To Get A Woman You Want To Break Up With Her Boyfriend & Go Out With You




It happens a lot - you meet a great new girl, you guys click, but there is one problem...

She has a boyfriend.

You know you should move on. But you can't get her out of your head. Don't worry, if you really want her, there is a way. It's underhanded, potentially unethical, and probably not the best course of action. Yet, I know the answer is wanted, because as a dating coach it comes up time and time again. "Kurt, how do I pick up a woman who already has a boyfriend?"

It's simple. Separate them.

Enough idle chit chat. Let's get down to business. First, you must become part of her life. Not an acquaintance, or some dude she works with. You must enter stealth mode. Find something you have in common, and establish a connection with her, with some underlying flirtation involved. This flirting must be subtle, not direct. Think of this as planting the seed.

Next, slowly begin to bring your conversation with her toward her relationship problems. You must work around the edges, slowly, until she reveals her problems to you. And she will reveal problems, because no relationship is problem free.

Typically these problems revolve around money, sex, work and house work. These are the areas you want to bring up in conversation to see what she reveals. Often, when she brings up a minor problem, it's really the surface of a deeper, touchier issue. For example, a small gripe about housework may actually be rooted in her problem that she feels her boyfriend is controlling the relationship.

What to do now? Blast her boyfriend? Not quite. First, slyly keep bringing these issues to the surface. This will constantly remind her of how unhappy she is. While you're doing this, you must also keep flirting with her indirectly. Otherwise you'll be her friend. Not wanted. Soon, she'll start to openly complain about every bad aspect of her relationship. This is where you can really screw it up if you don't know what you're doing.

If you're too agreeable with her, you'll be thought of as a wussy in her eyes. It'll be obvious you're trying too hard to win her affection. And if you attack him, you'll find she is likely to defend him, and this makes her concentrate on his good qualities.

Here's a better way: give her scenarios justifying her partner's actions while making it clear you don't behave the same way. For example, "While it's not common for guys to do that, maybe he does it because...". Usually, humans want to win arguments. You are setting up an argument with her, and for her to win it, she will have to convince you that her boyfriend is no good for her. This will also convince her, too.

So, let her win. After a good debate, agree that she is right. You've argued for her boyfriend's qualities, and lost. She's right and you're wrong. And because you were arguing for her boyfriend, he is also wrong. Get it?

This works on another level, too. It allows you to stay undercover. No one will suspect you sabotaged the relationship. After all, you were sticking up for him. Diabolical. From talking with her about her relationship, you'll know what she really wants. And you've created a void from what she wants and what she currently has. It's time to fill that void. Slowly, start acting like the man she wants to have. If her boyfriend never gives her anything, casually give her gifts. If she is sexually frustrated, increase your flirting with her.

While this is happening, you also need to start making her jealous of you. For example, jealous of other women in your life. You must date other women, and make sure she knows about it. Even better -- date women you know she doesn't like. This does two things. First, it makes her wonder why you go out with women she dislikes, instead of women like her. That's good. Second, it demonstrates you have attractive qualities, because other woman find you attractive.

What else? If you can manage it, get her friends to help. Only do this if you're sure you won't get caught. This works two ways: have them think highly of you, and lowly of her boyfriend, and that she should date men of your quality, and not his.

This process takes time, is fraught with peril, and is ethically questionable. Actually, it is much easier to forget about that girl and spend your time on women who are single. That's nice in theory. However, in the real world I meet guys every day who know this is true, but still can't get the "magical woman who has a boyfriend" out of their head. If you really want to go down this road, I have given you the map.

Use it at your own risk!

Kurt Dight has created a free 5 day mini course on "how to seduce almost any woman". It is available for instant access for a limited time at

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Monday, February 11, 2008

How To Break UP




Breaking up is never easy. But if you feel like you are not getting anywhere in your relationship, you may need to do it. When you break up with someone, it is important to do it maturely without deliberate pain. Follow these tips to break up with someone.

•Be Honest: It is important to be honest to yourself and your partner. Talk to him/her why both of you need to move on.

•Never Break Up On The Phone: Even though you probably do not want to face the other person when you break up with him/her, it is just rude to break up over the phone. But if the ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend has the history of violence, it might be o.k.

•Pick A Private Place: you want to pick a place that you can really talk, and you don’t want other people to listen to your conversation. Breaking up can be very emotional.

•Figure Out What You What To Say: Before you talk to your ex lover, you think about the all reasons for breaking up. Give your partner closure.

•Don’t Ask Friend To Break Up For You: A lot of people are terrified of breaking up. They just don’t want to face it. So they use their friend to deliver the bad news. It is just plain rude, and it is probably one of the worst things that you can do. Don’t do it.

•Never Break Up During A Fight: When you break up with someone, you want to be rational. It should not be done, because you have emotional fight.

Pauline Go is a professional writer for many website like She also writes other great articles like French Kissing Techniques, French Kissing Techniques, How To Get Fashion Cheap Knockoff Handbags,

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How To Quickly Recover From a Break Up




It's hard to get over a breakup. The main reason is because most men cling to a small hope of getting back with the woman who just broke their heart.

This is a tough cycle. First, you feel the pain of the break up itself. Then you add gut wrenching hope that she will one day realize she made a mistake, fill regretful for breaking up with you, and come back to you again. And the last pain is felt: the realization she is out of your life for good.

Fortunately there is a way to make a breakup less painful and be able to recover from it quickly. I will discuss exactly how to do that in this article.

In a relationship, there are things you can control and things you can't control. Once a woman has decided to leave you, you cannot prevent her from doing so. However you can control how you respond to her leaving. Most men respond by making the situation a lot harder to go through than it has to be. Their behavior typically is along these lines: they mope around for a while, looking at photographs taken of them and their lover, and generally get trapped in thinking about how things were.

Danger: this path to breakup recovery is fraught with peril. What you are doing is intensify your emotions of grief, compounding your loneliness by revisiting what once was that will never be again. This is typically how most men handle a breakup.

There is a better way. I'll be the first to admit that breaking up is hard. But to lessen the sting, you mustn't dwell on your negative emotions. Instead of thinking about the past, think about the future.

I think it's important for you to understand that a breakup is typically harder for a man than a woman. Why? Because a key aspect of recovering from a break up is by going out with new people. Men in general have a tougher time with going out with new women than women do with men. Women can simply go to any social situation and have men approach her. A distraught, grief stricken man not only has to deal with his emotions, but he must also prepare for approaching a new woman and feel the pain of being rejected again.

To make matters worse, he must approach her in a diminished capacity, still carrying around his sadness for his recent breakup.

So how does a man recover from a breakup quickly? First, you must snap out of your "victim mentally". You only start to recover from a break up when you stop feeling sorry for yourself. Repeat to yourself: "Life will go on." It always does.

Next, you must avoid living in the past and revisiting those painful emotions. Sometimes you have to amputate a limb before the disease can spread to the body. It's painful, but it's quick and better than the alternative. You must have the same approach with old love letters, mementos and photos. Burn them or throw them away. If you find this too difficult to do, it means you are still stuck hoping she will come back to you and you are in a desperate situation.

By destroying these mementos though, you will give yourself permission to move on. this is very important.

It's also important to surround yourself with others who DO care about you. Close friends and family. Now is a perfect time to strengthen those relationships. Chances are you have probably neglected a few of them because of all the time you were spending with your now ex-girlfriend. Also, use this time to do something for yourself to increase your self esteem. Learn something new, improve your skills, or start getting in better shape.

Finally, don't let her control your life anymore. Make a commitment to get back out in the dating world and find someone who is of even higher quality than her. If you want to talk about increasing your self esteem, nothing is better for this than finding someone even more desirable and attractive than the person who broke up with you.

Doing so will actually make you thank her for breaking up with you in the first place.

Kurt Dight has created a free 5 day mini course on "how to seduce almost any woman". It is available for instant access for a limited time at

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dating Advices - How to Get Over A Break Up for Guys




Rejection hurts; there is no doubt about that. If you are into dating, break up will be part and parcel of life, there is no escape. When a guy cannot get over a break up, it will affect the way he lives which will lead to unimaginable consequences.

When a woman broke off with you, find out what are the reasons behind it. If the reasons show that both of you are just not compatible, move on. It is a sign from the top which tells you that she is not for you. Do NOT stay on and cling to the woman, you are just making the whole thing worse. Keep your pride and move on.

The few days after the break up will be hard to take for most people, especially if you have been together with the woman for a few years. Try not to stay at home. Look for your best friends and have a good heart to heart talk.

My advice is to take some days off right after the break up to really think through it. Get a grip of yourself and assure yourself that you will find a better girl that is more suitable for you out there.

There will be cases when you will meet your ex outside or on the Internet through messenger. If you are having a very hard time to get over her, what I suggest is to really prevent yourself from talking to her if necessary. I have seen a lot of my friends who are doing quite well getting over their ex, but just because they talk to them online, and they are back into the “trapping spiral” again.

Have minimal contact with her. Once you are sure that you have fully gotten over her, it is never too late to talk again.

Crid Lee provides information on Why Women Play Hard To Get and How You Can Counter them Using the Right Technique. Visit his website now. Link ->

Crid Lee is also the webmaster of Download your FREE report here -> The 15 Best Techniques In KamaSutra

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

4 Important Steps To Get Over A Break Up




Breaking up is never easy. It doesn't matter if you are the one doing the breaking up or if you are on the receiving end. Break ups are painful even if it is only because of the other person's pain or just the discomfort of a major change. Suddenly you may feel that you are ALONE. There is no lonelier feeling than suddenly being alone and feeling that you will be that way forever. While break ups can be painful, there are some ways to ease the pain and get on with your life. The world does not stop, that is true, but you can take some time out for yourself. These steps will help you recover.


Patience is a key step in break up recovery. You have to be patient with your own feelings, your grief and your pain. So, go ahead and cry, scream, do whatever you need to do, but be patient that these feelings will eventually pass. At some point you will realize that you no longer hurt, you are no longer angry and you can face the world with no baggage. Don't rush into another relationship right away. Use your patience to wait a while before becoming exclusive with someone new.


Give yourself some flexibility. You may plan on going out on Friday. All week long you are planning and talking about it, but when Friday rolls around you just aren't up to it. Don't carve plans in stone right away. Make flexible plans that can be modified or canceled at a moment's notice. You may plan to go out at 7 pm on Friday, but at the last minute you don't feel up to it until 9 pm or even not at all. Move at your own pace and listen to what your body and emotions are telling you. When you are ready, you will get back out into the world. Until then, do some therapeutic exercises such as writing to help you deal with your feelings.


Give yourself time to grieve the break up. You may have some friends telling you to go right back out there and get back on the horse. You should not rush anything, especially getting into another relationship. Take it easy, don't rush, cry, be sad, be angry and give yourself time to feel these things and work them out. However, if your depression and funky mood don't pass in 2 weeks you should talk to your doctor because you may be experiencing a more major form of depression. Counseling can work wonders too. Don't rule it out.


You won't feel like this forever. At the time of the break up you may think that the feelings of sadness, hopelessness and anger will never go away, but eventually you will smile again. Eventually you will find someone who will make you forget all about whatshisname or whatshername. All you have to do is have faith that it will happen. Just believe.

How To Deal With A Break Up is an online portal with expert break up articles and reviews. Visit for free relationship advice and tips

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Practical Advice To Get Over Your Break Up And Emerge Stronger




Break ups can be hard and there is no disputing that they are very painful. When you are going through a break up you may feel that you won't ever find another person like the one who broke your heart (someday you may be thankful for that) and you may even feel that you will be alone forever. Well, break ups are hard, you will survive, you'll be fine and you will emerge a stronger, smarter, better person because of it. In the meantime, follow these "break up guidelines" to help get you thorough.


Go ahead, it's OK to cry, get mad, throw stuff. Don't hold in your feelings, just let it all out. Yell, scream, do whatever makes you feel better. You may not want to post anything to the world wide web just yet, though, give yourself some time before you start blasting the person who ripped your bloody, beating heart from your body on your blog. Go ahead and put your pain on paper, but don't put it on the web right away. Things may look different in a week or so. Just chill for a while, but feel free to cry, scream and be mad as much as you want.

Take a Weekend to Regroup

Take a weekend, a week, as long as you need to regroup. Eat ice cream/oreos/pizza, cry, watch soppy movies, do whatever makes you feel better. Get some friends to come over and hang with you if that makes you feel better. This is your official time to wallow, feel sorry for yourself and maybe even hate a little. This is an important time to relax and let your feelings rise to the surface. Allow yourself to hurt, allow yourself to be angry. This is your time.

Write a Song

Writing can be very cleansing. Write a song, write a poem, write a bunch of random words, it will make you feel better. But if you are thinking about posting your writing to your blog or online journal, you might want to hold off. The knee-jerk emotional reaction can cause you to post things in public that you may regret later. However, if you are writing on paper, knock yourself out! Write a song about how you feel. The song "I'm Sorry You're Ugly" by Ligeia and similar verses probably started out just this way.

Get Back on the Horse

After you take some time, go ahead and get back on that horse. Go out and have fun. This is really not the best time to start a new relationship, but it is a good time to play the field. If you do meet someone who is interesting to you, someone you think you would like to have a relationship with, take it slow. You do not want to go with someone on the rebound and wind up getting hurt again. Keep your heart to yourself for a while and give it time to heal before you put it out there again.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Relationship - Tips To Survive after Break-Up




Surviving after a love break-up is tough. Speaking about relationships, relationships connect us in this world with each other. We have many kinds of relationships-parental, sibling, friends, professional and love. We go through many phases in all these relationships. Ups and downs are part of our life and our relationships. Most of us can bear break down in most of the above relationships except those of love. Why? Who will survive a breakdown in romantic relationship and how? Let us find out.

I was speaking to somebody who will be breaking up soon. The statement went something like this- I did everything possible to save our relationship. I gave in a lot, but I could not save. We will be breaking-up soon. That has already broken my heart. This relationship was made brick by brick over so many years. What all we did not do to make it last? But alas, we are breaking -up. I asked the person- how to you propose to go on in life now? There was no answer except a blank stare. This happens to most of us.

The immediate effect of the break-up is pain. The pain goes away slowly over a number of years, but the initial impact is high. It is the initial period during which one has to gather all the energy and tolerate the pain.

The second effect is bitterness and blame. There is recap of all the arguments and fights and there is a large amount of self-talk about how one were ditched. That is not pleasant. Try the following to overcome this phase.

Spend quality time with friends, involving you in new activities, and keep yourself busy.

Refocus yourself to your career. Make some very exciting plans and meet some intelligent and successful people. Begin talking to them about what you should do to enhance your potential. Find out what can be done best by you and how will you reach the top. Write down all these goals and focus on them. offers hundreds of articles and tips on relationships , dating and love. Myspace users, click for myspace comments such as compliments, cool comments, love, flirty, birthday, holidays, religion, funny, cute, etc. If you love trying Quizzes and tests, visit funquizcards.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

The Five Ways Relationships End And How To Avoid That Relationship Break Up




To the many of us who have been married or have been in a long term Relationship there comes a time when you have to question whether or not that marriage or Long Term Relationship is worth the trouble anymore. When trouble comes knocking on your door, which can came in many forms. Here is a list of issues that you will more then likely deal with in your Relationship.

1) Money This is where most people especially young couples have major issues. This issue can destroy even the strongest marriages.

Suggestion- Set budget and perhaps Credit Counseling and work towards a common goal and stick to it.

2) Trust- This is another big issues that cannot be skirted or ignored and perhaps the most important or the five issue we will discuss in this article.

Suggestion- Communication is the single most important issue a relationship can have. Without good communication a marriage or relationship will have little chance of surviving. Counselling is also advise for issue that cannot be resolve with you and your mate. Other trust issues can regarding money and how to spend it. Or one of you is spending without telling your partner. As always open honest communication is the key to a lasting Relationship. I would suggest taking 5 minutes a day with you mate and discuss any issues that is bothering you. The longer you hold it in, the more difficult if will become to correct the situation.

3)Sex- Well you knew this is going to be a major issue. The issues are typically things like how many times should we have sex? My partner does not want to please me. I don not get enough sex to satisfy my needs and various other personal issues pertaining to sex.

Suggestion- As silly as it may seem if timing and quantity is a issue communicate to your partner what makes you feel good, and make sure you have your partners feelings in mind as you communicate your needs and of course it must be a two way street as perhaps you may not be doing what she would like also.

Women want more cuddling and foreplay as most men are all about getting physical satisfaction. My saying is men want to have sex to feel better, women want to feel better before having sex. We are wired different and these difference must be acknowledge for the relationship to thrive.

4) Kids- This is another possible Relationship Killer, this issue plays deeper then the others because it involves our kids, its one thing to destroy or give up on a Relationship that does not involve kids, but when the innocent kids have to pay for our actions it makes it the most difficult aspect of Breaking up.

Suggestion. What ever you do and at all cost avoid any destructive behavior in front of the kids, each negative action these kids see is another scar they will likely take with them into adulthood. As adults we need to be able to communicate without the kids being involved. Family meeting every week for 10 minutes is another great way to communicate the issues facing your family. And also a great time for the kids to give their thoughts, concerns or questions. Kids want to heard as well as seen.

5) Religion. This one can be dealt with much easier and quicker then the other four.

Suggestion. Make sure religion is not going to be a issue to Break Up over, when you start getting to know someone make sure you mention your religion preferences and also make sure you possible new partner does not have any mandatory religion beliefs you can not deal with or believe in.

Well there is the big five Relationship Killers, of course there is many more issues we face on a daily basis that can also contribute to Ending that Relationship.

With any issue you may be facing. communication will be the key to moving past these issues we will face. its how we react and handle these situations that will ultimately decide if our Relationship will last or get stronger and thrive.

Tough times and coming out of it can build more trust and a stronger relationship. But remember one thing if you do not truly love your partner you will never be able to get through these issues, love is the key and love can conquer all but good communication is the key.

Claude Cote is the creator of a site that helps out individuals with insightful articles, and options in ending that bad relationship or making sure your spouse is indeed being true and faithful to you. This was created with the broken heated in mind to help solidify your relationship or to cleanse yourself of bad relationship. Either way you will have the satisfaction of knowing where you stand.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

3 Ways to Begin Healing After a Relationship Break Up or Divorce




Breaking up can be a very traumatic event and almost always causes huge changes in a person's life. Moving on after a relationship break up can be very difficult. You can feel stuck for a very long time and it might even be difficult to go through normal activities.

Healing a broken heart and moving on after a breakup or divorce is something that can take time but time is not the only factor in the healing process. There are some other things that you can do to help yourself recover and move on with your life.

If you have recently suffered a break up and it's been difficult for you, here are 3 ways to heal you heal and get your life back...

1. Give yourself the space and the time to grieve the relationship without drowning in your grief. When there has been a relationship breakup or divorce, it’s often tempting to do things that keep your grief alive. You might be tempted to play music that was special to you and your partner, to visit places where you went together as a couple, and to constantly think and worry about your ex. If you find yourself doing this and it is causing you pain, stop doing it. If you need to, set aside time to cry everyday, but don't keep yourself stuck in your past.

2. Start looking at "what is" instead of focusing on "what was" or "what might have been." One of the biggest ways people keep themselves from moving on after a break up or divorce is that they live in a fantasy world about what the relationship was or could have been. If you truly want to heal from this relationship, take a realistic look at what is and was actually true about this relationship and accept this truth, instead of conjuring up stories that have no basis of truth.

3. Take some time to figure out what you learned from this relationship and what you want in a new relationship before you start dating again. Your friends may give you relationship advice that urges you to start dating as soon as possible. Before you do, it's important to take the time and space to heal your heart and to discover what you want in your life. While it's normal to dwell in the past after a break up, looking toward what you want will help you to heal.

We suggest that today you begin your healing process and start shaping your life the way you want it to be.

Susie and Otto Collins are Relationship Coaches and authors who help people create lives that are filled with more passion, love and connection. For more tips and a free mini-course on how to move on after a relationship break-up or divorce, visit

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Did She Break Up With You Because She Is Used To You And How To Get Her Back




Sometimes a woman might breakup with you because she has simply gotten used to everything that you do for her.

In her own life she has become bored and is ready to leave all that behind (you) in the hopes of finding something better.

No, there is nothing you can do to change her mind as in her mind you are a representation of everything she does not want.

If you weren't that representation she would have made changes in other areas of her life and not in her relationship with you.

Any attempt you make at getting her back, in her eyes, will only be seen as a representation of everything she doesn't want wrapped up in a brand new box; and she already knows that she doesn't want it.

What you must do is move on and not allow her to be able to attach any of those negative thoughts to you.

In time, she might come to realize that what she thought wasn't right about the relationship had little or nothing to do with you or she might discover like so many others have that the grass isn't greener on the other side of the road.

Only then will you have a chance at getting her back into your life.

Of course, given that you too have already moved on but in a more constructive way with much better resources of support.

When she does come running back to you the wonderful place that you will find yourself at in life might not be a place that you want her in as well.

Even though knowing that you have choices in life which you always have had is a great place to be now.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now.

Also with over 500 articles from a variety of dating experts just for men our Dating Advice and Seduction Article Database is the perfect place for any man.

To learn more about Getting Over A BreakUp visit our article section Breaking Up Today

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